Spot Removal Guide
“My best advice is this: Don’t panic. Slow down. Don’t get awesome. Sometimes doing nothing is better.”
Recommended Products
1. Spray on a small amount onto the deposit, agitate slightly with your hand, or soft brush.
2. Towel up.
3. Follow with a dampened towel to remove any detergent residue.
If it is DIRT, and DRY
1. pick up with a dry paper towel or old terry towel. Then follow the instructions for dry.
If it is DIRT and WET
Including wine, blood, coffee, tea, beer, egg, etc-
1. Pick up or blot up as much as possible with paper towels or an old terry towel.
2. Apply BioKleen products Bac-Out Digester lightly.
3. Agitate gently with your hand or soft brush (do not scrub). Let sit for about 3 to 5 minutes to allow time to digest the food or beverage. Absorb up with paper towel or old terry towel.
4. Wipe the affected area with a dampened terry towel.
If it is FOOD or a BEVERAGE
1. Absorb as much as possible with with towels. Place folded a towel on spot and then step on towel or set a weight on towel and leave in place for several hours.
2. Follow the Food instructions
1. absorb up or scoop up with dust pan or a piece of card board
2. Then follow the FOOD instructions.
Vomit, Diarrhea
1. Saturate spot with lemon juice, using a spray bottle, and allow to remain for 5 minutes or longer.
2. Apply Spray and Wipe cleaner and towel off. Repeat.
3. If this does not work, and it may not, call Eco Clean at 503-332-9046. Caution – Most rust removers purchased at grocery stores or hardware stores contain a very strong acid and are, therefore, not recommended.
1. Vacuum using crevice tool of vacuum cleaner to remove the soot.
2. If all, or most, of the soot has not been removed, call Eco Clean at 503-332-9046. If vacuuming has removed all particles go to step 1 of general procedure to remove any traces.
Soot, graphite, copier toner -
Do not attempt to remove, this can spread it and make difficult or impossible for the professional cleaner to remove.
Lipstick, nail polish, and makeup -
Do not attempt to remove, this can spread it out and make it difficult or impossible to be removed by a professional. Trust us on this one. You might get lucky, but chances are if you attempt it, you will get some or even most of it out. However, whatever is left will be there forever.
Acid toilet bowl cleaners, acne medication, alkaline drain cleaners, chlorinated bleaches, hair dyes, iodine, insecticides, mustard with turmeric, plant fertilizers and stains of this nature cannot be removed as they have permanently altered the carpet’s color. Most likely the only solution is to insert carpet from a closet, or some other area into the area where the spot was cut out.